Transition Calculator is used to generate Flat Pattern Layout Markings or Fabrication Layout Markings of Rectangular to Round Transition or Square to Round Transition, Round to Rectangular Transition or Round to Square Transition, Pyramid Transiton, Truncated Pyramid Transitions.
Transition Calculator is very helpful in sheet metal fabrication, process equipment fabrication and other types equipment fabrication industry where transion shapes are used.
Round Diameter (D) is measure diameter of round section of square to round or round to square transion. It is denoted by D in this calculator. You can refere standard reference input image shown in this calculator. This diameter is depends upon how you want to generate layout, if you want mark layout on flat plate then you can use Mean Diameter as Diameter in this Calculator for maximum accuracy or you can use inside diameter or outside diameter if you want to directly mark layout on inside or outside of transion shapes respectively. You can use any dimentional units such as Inches or MM as per your prefererance. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart to enter proper input values.
Length (L) is measure on longer side of square or rectangular section of transtion shapes. It is denoted by L in this Calculator. You can refere standarad input image shown in this calculator for you better understanding. We recommend you to use mean length for maximum accurary of this result. but you can also use inside or outside dimension as per your requiremnet. If you are fabricating this shape from flat plate marking then use mean length or if you are directly marking this layout on actual shape then use outside dimention of length.You can use any dimentional units such as Inches or MM as per your prefererance. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart to enter proper input values.
Width (W) is measure on wider side of square or rectangular section of transtion shapes. It is denoted by W in this Calculator. You can refere standarad input image shown in this calculator for you better understanding. We recommend you to use mean Width for maximum accurary of this result. but you can also use inside or outside dimension as per your requiremnet. If you are fabricating this shape from flat plate marking then use mean width or if you are directly marking this layout on actual shape then use outside dimention of width.You can use any dimentional units such as Inches or MM as per your prefererance. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart to enter proper input values.
Height (H) is measure on maximum height of transtion shapes. It is denoted by h in this Calculator. You can refere standarad input image shown in this calculator for you better understanding. Height of this section measure along plane of top side and plane of bottom side. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart to enter proper input values.
Slant Height (S) is measure along slant side of the pyramid shape. It is denoted by S in this Calculator. You can refere standarad input image or output image shown in this calculator for you better understanding. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart.
No. of Development lines are a very important input field in this calculator. It is the no. of equal division lines for flat pattern layout marking. It is required to give this input while layouting square to round or round to square transition shapes. No. of development lines play a very important role in the accuracy of the layout so optimum no of development lines are needed to select. We always recommend users give this value in multiples of four such as 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, etc. You can enter any even number in this field or you can directly select No. of development lines by clicking buttons in this section. Flat Pattern Layout Accuracy is depends upon no. of development lines its accuray is increase if increase no. of development lines but it consumes more time for layout marking. so otimum no. of development lines should be selected so that maximum accuracy can be achieved by lower time consumptions.
Arc Length (C) is circular arc length of the transition shapes. It is denoted by C in this Calculator. It is calculated by our calculator for marking flat pattern layout development. This dimensions is required during marking of transion layout on flat plate. You can refere standarad output image shown in this calculator for you better understanding. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart
Joint Length (J) is length of the joint side of the this transition shapes. It is denoted by J in this Calculator. It is calculated by our calculator for marking flat pattern layout development. This dimensions is required during marking of transion layout on flat plate. You can refere standarad output image shown in this calculator for you better understanding. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart.
Development Marking Lines are generated by this calculator are useful for fabrication layout markings. This are shown in this calculator by denoting L1, L2, L3.....Ln so on in square to round transion or round to square transition or S1,S2 in pyramid transitions.
In this Transition Calculator, we have the following Types of Transition shapes Fabrication Layout Flat Pattern Options are available.
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Transition Calculator is useful for Sheet Metal fabrication Industry, Duct manufacturing Industry, Insulation Fabrication Industry, Process Equipment Manufacturing Industry, Pressure Vessel Manufacturing Industry, Piping Industry, Heavy Equipment Fabrication Industry or any similar Industry
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