If you are looking to Become Expert in " Fabrication Costing and Estimation " then take action to gain your knowledge in costing and estimation of process equipment or pressure vessel fabrication. This course will help you to find best price point at which your business runs profitable and beat your competitor by offering best price.
Become Fabrication Costing and Estimation Expert in Just Rs. 1699 Only
This Unique 38 Days Video Course on " Fabrication Costing and Estimation" will Turn you to Become Expert in Managing your Fabrication Cost and Estimating Best Cost at which your business runs in profits. This Course is best suitable for for fabrication business owner, costing and estimation engineer, planning engineer, and professional who work hard for costing, budgeting and estimation for Fabrication works.

Benefits of This Course :
- Unique 3 Days Video Course on Fabrication Costing and Estimation.
- Certificate of Course Completion will be Provided .
- Pre-Recorded Video Content.
- Lifetime Access to Video Course.
- Learn at Anywhere Anytime.
- Learn on Any Device.
- Value for Money.
- Instant Support to any Query.

About Us
LetβsFab is Team of Working Professionals in the Field of Fabrication. We are Continuously Working To Digitize Fabrication Techniques. We had Developed many Digital Product such as eBooks, Video Courses, Excel Utilities, Android Mobile Applications, iOS Mobile Applications and Software that can be used in daily activity of fabrication Engineer with simple, efficient and faster way.
Syllabus of This Course:
Day 1 : What is Fabrication Costing and Estimation? Need of Doing Fabrication Costing and Estimation.
Day 2: What are Pre-Reuesites for Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Day 3: What is Work Scope Concepts? How to Identify the Scope of Fabrication Works? Need of Scope Identification for costing and estimations.
Day 4: What are the Different Types of Cost involved During Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Day 5: What is Design and Drawing Cost? How to Measure Design and Drawing Cost for Fabrication work costing and estimations.
Day 6: What is Raw Material Cost? How to Calculate and Measure Raw Material Cost for Fabrication costing and estimation.
Day 7: What is Basics of Fabrication Weight Calculations. What is formulae for Fabrication Weight and Raw Material Cost Calculation. What is Basic Shape Identifications for Fabrication Weight Calculations.
Day 8: What are the different types of steel sections used as raw material for fabrication works.
Day 9: What are Plate and Flat sections? How to Calculate Weight of Plate and Flat sections.
Day 10: What are Circle, Hollow Circle, Round and Hollow Round Steel Sections. How to Calculate Weight of these steel sections.
Day 11: What are Angle, Channel and Beam Steel Sections? How to Calculate Weight of these steel sections.
Day 12: What are Square Bar, Square Tube and Triangular Bar Steel Sections? How to Calculate Weight of these steel sections.
Day 13: What are Pipe and Tube sections and How to Calculate Weight of this sections.
Day 14: What are Flanges and Fittings. How to estimate weight of this flanges and fittings.
Day 15: What is Shell in Fabrication? How to Calculate Fabrication Weight and Raw Material Cost of Shell and Use of Shell in Fabrication Works.
Day 16: What is Dish Ends? How to Calculate Fabrication Weight and Raw Material Cost of Dish Ends and Use of Dish Ends in Fabrication Works.
Day 17: Digital Tool for Dish End Weight Calculations.
Day 18: What is Cone? How to Calculate Fabrication Weight and Raw Material Cost of Cone and Use of Cones in Fabrication.
Day 19: Digital Tool for Cone Fabrication Weight Calculations.
Day 20: What is Body Flanges and Ring Support in Fabrication? How to Calculate Fabrication Weight and Raw Material Cost of Body Flanges and Ring section and use of this in Fabrications.
Day 21: What are Nozzle and Manholes in Fabrications. How to Calculate Fabrication Weight and Raw Material Cost and Use of Nozzles and Manholes in Fabrication.
Day 22: What are Leg Support, Lug Support and Saddle Support and Other Supporting Structure in Fabrications? How to Calculate Fabrication Weight and Raw Material Cost of this supports.
Day 23: Digital Tool for Fabrication Weight and Cost Calculations.
Day 24: What are Standard item or Brought Item Cost in Fabrication? How to Measure Standard and Brought item cost of Fabrication Works.
Day 25: What is Machining Cost in Fabrication? How to Measure Machining Cost for Fabrication costing and estimations.
Day 26: What is Welding Cost in Fabrication? How to Measure Welding Cost for Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Day 27: What is Consumables Cost in Fabrication? How to Measure Consumables Cost for Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Day 28: What is Material Testing and NDT Cost? How to Measure Material Testing and NDT Cost for Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Day 29: What is Manpower Cost or Labor Cost in Fabrication?. How to Measure Manpower Cost or Labor Cost for Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Day 30: What is Finishing and Packaging Cost in Fabrications? How to Measure Finishing and Packaging Cost for Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Day 31: What is Transportation Cost in Fabrication? How to Measure Transportation Cost for Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Day 32: What is Approval and Third Party Inspection Cost in Fabrication? How to Measure for Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Day 33: What is erection and commissioning cost in fabrications? How to Measure erection and commissioning fabrication and costing.
Day 34: What is Factory Overhead cost and How to measure Factory overhead cost for fabrication costing and estimations.
Day 35: What is special cost in fabrications? How to measure special cost for fabrication costing and estimations.
Day 36: What is Profit Margins in Fabrications? How to Decide Profit Margins for Fabrication Works.
Day 37: Tips and Tricks For Reducing Fabrication Cost and Improve Fabrication and Costing and Estimations.
Day 38: Example for Fabrication Costing and Estimations.
Additional Bonus Gift for you with this course :
Bonus1 – Get a Google Sheet for Fabrication Costing and Estimation completely free of cost. (Valued at more than Rs.1000)
Bonus2 – Get an eBook of ” Master in Fabrication Layout Development ” completely free of cost. (Valued at Rs.500)
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This is e-learning Course. You will Get Username and Password Details After Success Completion of Payment Process. Please Note this login details and click to login button to access your course. Enter Correct login Details to go to your dashboard page where you will find all your registered with us. you can view your courses lessons, get your courses bonuses, download your certificates from your dashboard page. You will recieved your login details to your registered email. if you find any difficulty in accessing your course then you can contact us on our helpline email or contact number as per your convinience.