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Our Books to Master In fabrication layout
Prerssure Vessel Heads

Pressure Vessels Heads

What is Mean By Pressure Vessels Heads : It is Part of Pressure Vessel which closes ends of the cylindrical section or shell of the pressure vessel is called as Pressure Vessels Heads.

procedure for hydrotest or pressure test

Procedure for Pressure Test or Hydrotest

Hydrotest Procedure Scope : This Procedure is applicable to Boiler External piping and Pressure vessels constructed to ASME Code B31.1 & sec VII Div 1. Respectively. It also applies to pressure retaining items repair or...

asme codes and sections


ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers. It is an International Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is made of 12 sections and contains over 15 divisions and subsections.

Cones Calculator

Cones Calculator App By Let’sFab

Cones Calculator App is used to calculates flat Pattern layouts developments of Full Cone, Half Cone , Truncated Cone,Concentric Cone, Frustum Cone, Eccentric Cone, Tori Cone, Multi-level Concentric Cones, Multi-level eccentric Cones, Cone with Knuckles.


Let’sFab Educational Services:

Let’sFab is Team of Working Professionals in the Field of Fabrication. We are Continuously Working To Digitize Fabrication Techniques. We had Developed many Digital Product such as eBooks, Video Courses, Excel Utilities, Android Mobile Applications, iOS Mobile Applications and Software that can be used in daily activity of fabrication Engineer with simple, efficient and faster-way.

We at Let’sFab provide education to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of Fabrication of Process Equipment’s Such as Pressure Vessels, Heat Ex-changer, Storage Tanks, Agitator/Mixers, Piping, Structures, Conveying Equipment’s and other Heavy Equipment’s. Let’sFab provide Education by writing blogs, providing video courses and by providing various digital tools in fabrication. If you want to learn more about courses offered by Let’sFab then Click here.