Petal Layout Calculator

Petal layout Calculator used to generate fabication layout markings or flat pattern layout markings of Sphere and Hemispherical Dish End Types.

Sphere Petal Layout Calculator is very helpful in Pressure Vessel Fabarication, Storage tank Fabrication, sheet metal fabrication, process equipment fabrication and other types equipment fabrication industry where petal types sphere and dish ends are used.

Select Petal Layout Types
sphere petal layout calculator
hemispherical dis ends petal layout calculator
Input Image Section
sphere petal layout type input image
Data Input Section
Select No. of Development Lines

Terms Used in Petal Layout Calculator

Sphere Diameter (D)

Sphere Diameter (D) is measured diameter of the sphere for which petal fabrication layout markings or petal flat pattern is to be calculated . It is denoted by D in this calculator. You can refere standard reference input image shown in this calculator. This diameter is depends upon how you want to generate layout, if you want mark layout on flat plate then you can use Mean Diameter as Diameter in this Calculator for maximum accuracy. if you are planning to mark this layout directly on sphere then enter outside diamter as sphere diameter. You can use any dimentional units such as Inches or MM as per your prefererance. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart to enter proper input values.

Dish End Diameter (D)

Dish End Diameter (D) is measured diameter of the Dish end which petal fabrication layout markings or petal flat pattern is to be calculated . It is denoted by D in this calculator. You can refere standard reference input image shown in this calculator. This diameter is depends upon how you want to generate layout, if you want mark layout on flat plate then you can use Mean Diameter as Diameter in this Calculator for maximum accuracy. if you are planning to mark this layout directly on sphere then enter outside diamter as sphere diameter. You can use any dimentional units such as Inches or MM as per your prefererance. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart to enter proper input values.

Staright Face (SF)

Straight Face (SF) Straight face distance of the dish ends for matching shell and dish ends. You can use any dimentional units such as Inches or MM as per your prefererance. if you are using Inches as units for your input values then please refer decimal fractional chart to enter proper input values.

No. of Development Lines (N)

No. of Development lines are a very important input field in this calculator. It is the no. of equal division lines for flat pattern layout marking. It is required to give this input while layouting square to round or round to square transition shapes. No. of development lines play a very important role in the accuracy of the layout so optimum no of development lines are needed to select. We always recommend users give this value in multiples of four such as 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, etc. You can enter any even number in this field or you can directly select No. of development lines by clicking buttons in this section. Flat Pattern Layout Accuracy is depends upon no. of development lines its accuray is increase if increase no. of development lines but it consumes more time for layout marking. so otimum no. of development lines should be selected so that maximum accuracy can be achieved by lower time consumptions.

Development Marking Lines

Development Marking Lines are generated by this calculator are useful for fabrication layout markings. This are shown in this calculator by denoting A1, A2, A3.....An so on you can use this marking to layout your petal flat pattern or fabrication layout marking.

What are Types of Petal shapes Flat Pattern Available with Petal Layout Calculator

In this Petal Layout Calculator, we have the following Types of Petal Fabrication Layout Flat Pattern Options are available.

  1. Sphere Petal Layout
  2. Dish Ends Petal Layout

How to Use this Petal Layout Calculator

  1. Firstly Navigate to the Petal Layout Calculator and Select the Type of Petal Layout option from Selection pannel.
  2. After Petal Layout Types Selection you have to refere standard input image of this types of petal shapes and make list of dimensions required in this calculator and keep handy this dimentions.
  3. Select Input Dimensions Stanarad Units from Unit selection pannel. if you are using inches as dimenions then please refer note below input selection to refere decimal factor selection chart.
  4. Input all the dimension required in given input fields as per your unit selection. All dimensions are required to fill before moving ahead.
  5. After Filling Input Dimensions Select No. of Development Lines for your flat pattern layout requirement. you can enter any even no. of development lines or you can directly select standard Development Lines from top selection pannel. we recommend user to enter no. of dimensions line as multiple of four.
  6. after completing all input field data click on calculate button to generate output of flat pattern of your selected petal types.
  7. If you left any input field empty then it will show you an error notification so if you are getting this notification then check all your empty fields and enter correct data to generate results.
  8. Navigate below to calculate button to see generated fabrication Flat pattern layout marking dimensions.
  9. Refere Outpt Image to understand out marking dimensions vales to mark layout accurately.
  10. By using this Data you can mark directly on your fabrication sheet or plate for further processing of fabrication works.

if you want to learn the fabrication layout marking method of Pipe Branch Connections then click here to download our ebook “Master in Fabrication Layout Development”. In this book all both Geometrical and Numerical Method of fabrication Layout of all types of the branch pipe connections.

Why Should Use this Petal Layout Calculator

  1. Petal Layout Calculator is useful for Generating Flat Pattern Layout or Fabrication Layout of Sphere and Hemispherical Dish End Shapes
  2. Petal Layout Calculator provide complete solution to Petal Type Fabrication Layout Markings.
  3. You Can save the Cost of Material by using this calculator.
  4. You can Save Time on your Fabrication Layouting process.
  5. An easy and Faster way to layout petal flat pattern.

Application Area of Petal Layout Calculator

Petal Layout Calculator is useful for Pressure Vessel Fabrication, Storage Tank Fabrications,Sheet Metal fabrication Industry, Duct manufacturing Industry, Insulation Fabrication Industry, Process Equipment Fabrication Industry, Piping Industry, Heavy Equipment Fabrication Industry or any similar Industry

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