Basics of Pipes
Pipe: It is cylindrical conduit or tube used to transfer fluids (e.g: liquid,gas ) or solids ( e.g: Powder, Pellets ) or semis solids ( e.g: Crude Oil ) under pressure from one point to another point.
In this category All Post related to Process Piping Engineering
Pipe: It is cylindrical conduit or tube used to transfer fluids (e.g: liquid,gas ) or solids ( e.g: Powder, Pellets ) or semis solids ( e.g: Crude Oil ) under pressure from one point to another point.
What is Mean By Code: It consist of Standard or Rule for Deign,Fabrication,Installation,Inspection,Testing of Industrial process plants.
What is Mean By Pressure: Pressure is force exerted on surface per unit area. Unit of Pressure is Pascal or N/m2. Pressure Terms Used in Pressure Vessels and Piping: Operating Pressure, Design Pressure, Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, Hydro test Pressure.
ASME CODES FOR PIPING : ASME B31 was earlier known as ANSI B31. The B31 Code for Pressure Piping, covers Power Piping, Fuel Gas Piping, Process Piping, Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids, Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components and Building Services Piping.